
A photorealistic depiction of a UFO, inspired by a hand-drawn design, featuring a smooth silver, egg-shaped body viewed from the side, with a slightly raised center section and hexagonal patterned windows emitting a soft glow. The UFO's bottom edge has thin slits that emit light, creating a glowing ring around the craft. The UFO is floating against a clear blue sky. Natural sunlight highlights the metallic surface, casting realistic shadows and reflections. Created Using: high-definition 3D rendering, advanced texturing techniques, cinematic lighting, ultra-realistic shading, HDR photography, detailed modeling, atmospheric perspective, photorealism --ar 16:9

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矢量素材: 海报设计 包装设计 画册设计 名片卡片 展板模板 房产广告 庆典广告 请帖请柬 菜单菜谱 吊旗挂旗 VI设计 折页|传单 X展架|易拉宝 移门图案 日历台历 网站模板

抠图素材: 节日元素 装饰元素 免抠人物 免抠花卉 动物元素 美食元素 体育运动 交通物流 商务金融 电子产品 边框背景 产品实物 图标元素 字体元素 飘浮元素 促销元素

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